The primary therapeutic interventions used in relational transactional analysis (TA) are empathic transactions. A relational TA therapist may also explore the significance in the therapeutic relationship of parallels in experiences the client reports in other relationships. In relational TA, the therapist considers that it is not enough to simply provide a good, corrective experience, or to engage in analysis or seeking to mobilize forces against these introjects as, even if significant change takes place, the introjects are still there. A relational approach to working with such introjects is to metaphorically make space for them to emerge in the therapy via the transference/countertransference matrix. Critics of the relational approach believe the often complex language of relational TA is contrary to the spirit of TA. However, relational TA therapists argue in response that some processes are not simple to understand or describe, and that the language used reflects the complexity of these phenomena and greater refinement in the understanding.