Co-creative transactional analysis was developed by Graeme Summers and Keith Tudor and has had a significant impact on transactional analysis. Co-creative TA is seen as a meta-perspective, or lens through which to view TA, rather than a collection of techniques. Co-creative TA also places emphasis on positive health and growthful forms of relating, as opposed to what Summers and Tudor see as the dominant emphasis within TA on psychopathology. Co-creative TA places great emphasis on homonomy, and the importance of connection and connectedness. Psychotherapy is conceptualized as an Adult-Adult relationship within co-creative TA, and although transference is recognized (as past transactional relating), the work of therapy is seen as being very much in the present. Summers and Tudor (ibid.) assert that there are two main types of relating: present-centred (Adult-Adult) or past-centred (where one or both parties is relating from a Child or Parent ego state).