The redecision school of transactional analysis (TA) was created by Bob and Mary Goulding. The Gouldings were original members of Berne's San Francisco seminars, who also trained with Fritz Perls, the originator of gestalt therapy. They developed their methods to work with a contractual regression and increased the affective intensity of the work to facilitate the redecision in the client's Child ego state(s). Redecision therapists seek to create a nurturing and compassionate environment that supports and provides protection for the Child, and enables the client to access their Child ego state in order to make the necessary redecision. With its emphasis on structural conflict and the therapist's role as facilitator, with an active confrontational approach and the avoidance of working with transference, the redecision school is a one-person approach and is based on a conflict model of psychopathology. Impasse theory is perhaps one of the most obvious examples of a conflict model within TA psychotherapy.