Although children as climate citizens identify and employ various spaces and methods to use their agency, express their care and demands, they do not necessarily view themselves as full citizens vis-à-vis adults: without the sufficient power and means to achieve their goals all alone, their efforts warrant not only legal responses, but also political and social support. Following a summary of the key notions and findings discussed in the book, this concluding section offers solutions to how adults can enhance the rights and social perceptions of children’s climate citizenship: from meaningful proxy-representation in political processes (in elections or in governance negotiations) that puts forward children’s views and ideas; through reinforcing and mainstreaming child-rights approach to climate change and environmental matters in legal instruments and compliance mechanisms; to scientific engagement with children in their efforts to raise awareness about the climate crisis. Most importantly: appreciating them as climate citizens requires interactive dialogue where children as individuals and as a collective are considered knowledge-holders and agents for the protection of our planet.