The final chapter offers a critique of ecocatastrophe ideology with a view toward broadening potential organizational strategies to dismantle the hegemony of the green capitalist complex. Like the ascent of ecological guerrilla in the 1970s, eco-militancy appears at a time when capital is reconsolidating itself to meet the threat of mass extinction in the Anthropocene while also sharpening counterrevolutionary mechanics to thwart the rise of anticapitalist/anti-extinction/anti-imperialist configurations that refuse to submit to top-down reformism. Part of this chapter also discusses the limits of ecosocialist platforming and its concomitant strategies, such as its developing alignment with Left degrowth positions while also gesturing toward building guerrilla ecological praxis against green capital’s capture of the nature-labor dynamic. This refocusing of revolutionary disorientation allows for a radical re-socialization of nature by reinserting liberated labor into a project for rebuilding social relations in the wake of the irreversible transformation of the biosphere.