This chapter outlines the current structure of the book publishing industry with a look at how the traditional structure of the industry has evolved. This chapter relates publishing to management and organisational theory – exploring the way publishing mimics many traditional companies in relation to its structure around workflow and value. It outlines the particular features of publishing and the way it currently manages innovation and risk, exploring aspects such as managed oversupply and showing how print and legacy business models can hinder innovation. Publishing is in this sense limited by its structure and needs to develop effective ways to experiment with new digital forms, without distorting its business of print and print-derived digital production. As digital publishing has emerged, it has required a reassessment of publishing theory in light of digital technology, changing consumer behaviour and the disruptions in the publishing ecosystems. The chapter touches on a mini-case study survey conducted with publishing business leaders that indicates how central collaboration is to their strategic development and reflecting the organisational changes that publishers feel will be necessary to respond to a transforming industry.