The Little Museum explores the enduring memory work of the Fellowship to collect and curate the material evidence of the many relics, artefacts, and items created by militant suffrage groups, from craftwork created in prison to the miscellaneous everyday items associated with militant suffrage activities. Objects were also appropriated by the Fellowship to provide memory “anchor points” at organized commemorative events to capitalize on the emotion and memory inherent in Suffragette objects and further cement bonds of sisterhood among ageing Suffragettes by evoking emotions and memory latent in all “things.” The Fellowship established a series of Suffragette museums as a space to display a range of objects, relics, and artefacts, all treated with reverence and considered sacred to Suffragette memory, assisted to establish a physical legacy of militant campaigning considered without parallel in feminist archival history. The Collection of artefacts offers a distinct display of eclectic relics, from banal everyday objects created by suffrage groups as merchandise, to objects that elicit shock and empathy donated to the Museum of London in 1951.