This chapter addresses the role of the foreign trade for economic growth in Russia, and considers structure of principal exports and principal imports, net foreign trade balance and its share in the GDP in the Russian economy. According to the statistical data, oil, fuel and gas, metals, chemicals, and machinery and equipment constitute Russia’s main or principal exports. It is important for the macroeconomic analysis to consider the structure of these principal exports, their share in the total exports, and the possible dynamics in their values. Similar to principal exports, principal imports also reflect the structure of the national economy. It is important for the macroeconomic analysis of the Russian economy to consider the structure of these principal imports, their share in the total imports, and the possible dynamics in their values. Statistical data on the change in the share of principal imports, including machinery and equipment, food and agricultural products, chemicals, and metals in Russia for the period of 1994–2016 may point to the changing structure of principal imports. As follows from the data on foreign trade, net foreign trade balance in Russia remains positive during the entire period of study from 1994 to 2016.