This book, and particularly this chapter, aims to provide education and hope to the survivor of reproductive trauma. Throughout the book, healing and change are discussed, with tangible skills provided for the reader to manage their trauma responses and learn that change is possible. In this chapter, posttraumatic growth and resiliency are explored and important research around these concepts is shared that can be applied by a survivor of reproductive trauma. The reader is given prompts to explore their current hopes and short- and long-term goals for the future. Research on the efficacy and success of trauma treatment is also presented. Various trauma treatment options have been briefly discussed throughout the book and are now addressed in more depth to inspire continued healing, such as EMDR therapy, somatic work, medication, support groups, and others. Questions and points of inquiry are offered that the reader could use when interviewing potential providers, such as the provider's experience with and commitment to trauma-informed care, cultural humility, and implicit bias training.