Following a reproductive trauma, a survivor may feel like their entire world is off its axis. This chapter lays the groundwork of reviewing trauma healing and recovery options by helping the reader take stock of and prioritize their current basic needs. The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) response is introduced and survival mode is explained why the reader may be feeling and responding the way they are in fight/flight/freeze (and sometime fawn) mode. Several basic grounding and breathing skills are taught, exploring how these activate the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) and lead to feeling more calm. This and the following chapter introduce the concept of oscillation; readers learning how to self-soothe when activated. Trauma-sensitive modification and choices are introduced and will be further highlighted in future chapters. Numerous activities and prompts are used to encourage the reader to regularly practice using these skills. The common experiences of feeling indecisive and overwhelmed are normalized, and self-prompts are provided to prioritize immediate needs versus any decisions that can be “paused” for later. The reader is aided in identifying what small activities make them feel better as the activities focus on what small choices are within their control.