This chapter compares the results on Europeanization in Germany and Spain and the rise of the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) and Podemos to evaluate differences and similarities in the configuration of the populism–Euroscepticism nexus. The discussion is mainly focused on the circumstances which are propitious for the populism–Euroscepticism nexus. Furthermore, the two cases are discussed in relation to their context and the leftist and rightist leanings of Podemos and the AfD and how this can play a role in defining the forms of EU contestation. The results about these cases are contrasted with the evidence and the evolution of other populist right-wing and left-wing parties in Europe. After the comparison and the discussion of the results, this chapter evaluates the implications of the findings for the literature on populism and EU contestation. Finally, it discusses the limitations of this work and provides avenues for further research in the study of populism and EU contestation.