The entry into force of ObamaCare has further complicated the US health care system and expanded the influence of a third-party payer. However, this had nothing to do with the development of the private health insurance market – in fact, the changes introduced were a continuation of the long-term process of increasing state control over this market. When it turned out that the problems with achieving ObamaCare goals were not an accident at work, it became obvious that proposals for further amendments to the act would be discussed. It should come as no surprise, then, that the effects of ObamaCare, such as the increasing costs of insurance and direct expenses of the insured or government expenses, had occurred many times in the past. The last chapter of this work discusses some of the proposals for further modification of ObamaCare or even its repeal. Two main directions of change have been indicated: those proposed by the Republicans and the Democrats. The efforts of the Republicans were aimed at least partially weakening the ObamaCare, for example in the form of withdrawing support for insurers, cancelling some taxes or reducing the penalty for lack of insurance to zero. In turn, the Democrats, bearing in mind the above-mentioned problems, proposed, among others, extending the scope of government financial support reducing the amount of direct expenses incurred by the insured on the Healthcare Insurance Marketplace or introducing a ‘public option’ as an alternative to insurance concluded by the employer.