This chapter is an oral history told by Rich, a 40-year-old white, bisexual/pansexual, cisgender man living in Los Angeles, with context and analysis by the author. Rich grew up amid conflict in his household and homophobia in his family, so he suppressed his same-sex desires as soon as he became aware of them. He had sexual, homoerotic experiences with male classmates, but they were filled with confusing homophobia, and Rich tried what he called “self-conversion therapy” for years. Finally, reading about bisexuality and finding bisexual role models, including Jack Kerouac and Gore Vidal as well as a bi girlfriend in college, Rich embraced his bisexuality and soon met his wife at work. He came out to her early, but it was an evolving discussion, getting deeper as their marriage continued. Today he is completely out and totally open with his wife, and he is raising four kids and conscious of giving them freedom to express their authentic identity. Rich has loved finding Bi+ community and wants to help make it easier for Bi+ men to explore and come out.