This chapter discusses how various intersecting identities can affect Bi+ development and experiences. The author begins with race, addressing overall trends for Bi+ people of color and sharing anecdotes from men whose Black identity has intersected with their bisexuality, before relating his own whiteness and white privilege to his Bi+ development. Next, religion and bisexuality are discussed, and the author explains why many Bi+ people gravitate toward spirituality but away from organized religion, as well as how his own evolving conception of Judaism helped him realize he was bisexual. The chapter then discusses how bisexuality can help men re-imagine their masculinity and gender expression, as well as how bisexuality is treated differently for men versus women. Finally, the intersection of bisexuality and trans/non-binary identities is discussed, and the author explains why there is a natural connection and large overlap between these communities, both on a societal and individual level. The author also discusses his views on the word “pansexual”, how semantics can be used to drive apart the Bi+ community, and why we must be united in defense of trans and non-binary people. Other intersections, like age, socioeconomic status, and disability, are briefly mentioned to give context to the oral histories that follow.