Each geographical region has its own Land Reform administration, its own problems, and issues its own reports. One must make frequent visits to each region to make one’s own discoveries. There is no National Land Reform, and certainly no national publicity. The Etruscan Maremma was a rich grain-exporting region, and the Federation supported a navy to protect this trade from piracy. The Roman farm varied in size from about six acres of rich land near a town, to 300 acres of pasture, and at the height of the Republic’s agricultural prosperity it was farmed with the greatest care and skill. In 1950 the Land Reform Law was passed and aimed at a large-scale redistribution and resettlement of the peasantry. The area involved almost one-third of the surface of Italy. In 1961, when the Land Reform had completed its task, this ill-effect had already been felt, and young men were migrating to industry in the North.