This chapter presents the traditional land-based knowledge and practice, known as consciousness-based knowledge and practice, and neo-colonial impacts on consciousness-based knowledge and practice and the increased climate crisis. To deal with the climate crisis, we need consciousness-based knowledge and practice. The need for consciousness-based knowledge and practice is an independent guidance body in every political jurisdiction to guide the society’s economic, political, and social functions. Conscious-based solutions are more relevant in the multitude of options available to solve any problem. The fundamental role of Chit Sabha is to encourage individual experiences to flow with higher consciousness. For a consciousness-based tradition like Adi-Shaiva, compassion is a natural and automatic side effect of the expansion and growth of consciousness. The Adi–Shaiva leaders were probably aware of the colonials’ limitations and intentions regarding religious conversions. Seeking guidance from Chit Sabha should be integral to the decision-making process.