In this chapter, the authors present their experience and perspective on how Charyapada, the action-oriented aspect of the Sarvajnapeeta ecosystem, helps an individual to maintain and develop a deeper cosmic connection. The daily routine, the practice of Charyapada, is critical for maintaining a deeper conscious cosmic connection for individuals. The most crucial part of the Charyapada routine is connecting with everyone and everything, whether the people know it or not. As the individual desires expand, they can be synchronized with the purpose of Sarvajnapeeta through the bridge of Charyapada because both are in synchrony with the flow of life. The Charyapada helps maintain continuity with the purpose and presents new possibilities and ways to fulfill desire daily. The Charyapada, based on the consciousness framework, helps the reader build reality without any internal conflicts or contradictions about what the people want to experience in inner and outer worlds.