This chapter establishes the core concept of the big data landscape and shows how it is fuelling new and emerging technologies, impacting intelligence agencies and their work as well as concentrating data, information, computational and economic power. It sets out and defines the composite features of the big data landscape – data abundance, digital connectivity and ubiquitous technology. Data abundance refers to the extensive profiles or digital footprint of individuals and societies. Digital connectivity is the constant connection of individuals to digital devices and infrastructure, such as the Internet of Things. Ubiquitous technology is the prevalence of digital technology, including artificial intelligence and machine learning, across all facets of life and industries, and its growing centrality in essential social processes. This chapter argues that the features of big data and big data analytics need to be considered together as a landscape to fully understand their impacts on intelligence production, national security and geopolitics. The chapter concludes by showing how this new big data landscape is concentrating information, computation and economic power, and that this has the potential to challenge concepts of nation-state security.