Ross's main thesis is that fascism “creeps along” by insinuating itself into mainstream cultures and institutions through a “syncretic” appropriation of traditional conservative narratives; reactionary populist, anarchist, and liberal-progressive ideologies; together with selected (if bastardized) passages from biology, ecology, demography, and “race science.” After sketching the roots and trajectory of fascism in Europe, Ross turns to the United States, to flesh out what he really means by “fascist creep” or “contagion.” Wise Use maligns the federal government for undermining “private property rights” by what WU calls “land grabs,” “seizures,” and “takings.” Satanism explicitly rejects Christianity and its Christian Patriot adherents, both of whom it accuses of representing the “anti-White mainstream.” Black and Brown interests are advanced by the NAACP and recognized on American college campuses with Black and Latinx studies programs.