This chapter discusses the nexus of BTS and nationalism by addressing how BTS has continued to reign supreme in the global music sphere since the mid-2010s. A few elements contribute to BTS' global fandom, and ARMY—the BTS fandom name—has undoubtedly played a key role. ARMY members have established various online gathering spaces, including the group “BTS Nation” on Facebook and the “BTS National” Twitter account. It traces these social media accounts, as many fans left their comments or tweeted their opinions relevant to these issues. It explains the formation of transnational cyber-nationalism and then discusses how ARMY members as citizens in the BTS nation utilize cyberspace, in particular, social media. Finally, it addresses the ways in which transnational cyber-nationalism in tandem with BTS has shifted the notion of cyber-nationalism, which can be identified as negative, even patriotic parochialism into constructive and socioculturally corrected cyber-movements.