Philosophy save in so far as men like Seneca and Cicero may be considered philosophers. There was one short-lived and unimportant attempt at a Roman school of philosophy, that of the Sextians. Magic forms a small proportion of the Veterinaria which has come down to us under the name of a certain Pelagonivs. The Romans were good farmers, and also good, if rough and ready, engineers. Verrius was much interested in the religion of his country. The Romans were by tradition and of necessity land-surveyors. From ancient times there had existed in their country the institution known as the templum, which, at any rate as applied to land, signified this. When, giving up all thoughts of a career in the army, for he had not influence enough to obtain a centurion’s post, he took to scholarship instead, he persisted in the taste thus formed, despite the general contempt for his favourites.