Fan-created expansions of the world of Fallout are the central theme of this chapter. This chapter first examines Fallout 76, the most recent game in the Fallout franchise and the only fully multiplayer entry in the series. Unlike other Fallout games, Fallout 76 relies almost entirely on fan-created content, as players create items, settlements, and even narratives within the game world. Fallout mods are the next topic discussed in this chapter, as video game modifications for the series have existed almost since its inception and represent a variety of methods for fan engagement, whether by altering the visuals or the mechanics of the games or even creating entirely new standalone experiences. The final section of this chapter analyzes Fallout tabletop games, which create an interesting kind of remediation because of the franchise’s roots in tabletop gaming. The primary argument in this chapter rests on these expansions of the Fallout world offering fans a way to make their own mark on that world, creating a way of engaging with the franchise that goes beyond simply experiencing the narratives put forth by the video games.