Bartolome began as cure of Zanguarama, the most wretched parish in Cuba. At the same time he performed the duties of military almoner and accompanied Velasquez and Narvaez on their expeditions. Bartolome gave proof of what he expounded. He founded a colony in one of the most sinister regions of Guatemala; his only weapons were evangelical charity and tenderness—for there were no guns, no forced labour, no chains. Bartolome was 70 years old. He was proposed for the bishopric of Cuzco, but he refused it, because the charge was too profitable, and this formerly wealthy man hated wealth. Bartolome arrived in Valladolid, but he did not think of retiring. Twenty years remained to him and he devoted them to carrying his work through to its end. Henceforth the game was played no longer in Indian country but in the Spanish capital and became even more dramatic.