This chapter deals with the establishment of some new regular orders of the Catholic Reformation. A vivid expression of the austerity she sought was the abandonment of the comfort of footwear, so that her sisters took the title of the Discalced – the shoeless – Carmelites. In his aristocratic background the founder, Gaetano di Thiene, typified several of the founders of the new orders. The career of the founder of the Somaschi illustrates even more dramatically than that of di Thiene the central role of religious conversion in the lives of founders of new orders of the Catholic Reformation. Girolamo Miani was born the son of a Venetian senator in 1480 and went on to a distinguished career as an army officer, culminating in capture, imprisonment and release. In Milan Zaccaria worked with Ferrari and Morigia to form their clerks regular in 1530.