What do you say when you notice a student who is passively disengaged from the lesson (e.g., texting on their cell phone, sleeping, daydreaming, putting their head on their desk, or looking frustrated)? This chapter provides teacher-friendly charts with Great Teacher Language (GTL) Reminders to Self, GTL to Share with Students, GTL to Use When Talking and Communicating with Parents, and GTL Classroom Activities specifically related to the following:

Scenario 4.1: A student is texting on his cell phone or scrolling through his computer.

Scenario 4.2: A student is sleeping in class.

Scenario 4.3: A student is not working on his assignment and looks embarrassed, troubled, stressed and/or frustrated.

Scenario 4.4: A student is not paying attention to the lesson and is daydreaming in class.

Scenario 4.5: A student never verbally participates in class.

Scenario 4.6: A passively disengaged student has failing grades in your class.