What do you say when a student is disrupting class and is constantly wanting to be seen and/or heard (e.g., Class Entertainer, Social Butterfly, Excessive Talker, and Tattle Tale). This chapter provides teacher-friendly charts with Great Teacher Language (GTL) Reminders to Self, GTL to Share with Students, GTL to Use When Talking and Communicating with Parents, and GTL Classroom Activities specifically related to the following:

Scenario 5.1: A student is constantly raising his/her hand and saying, “Teacher, Teacher”

Scenario 5.2: A student is up out of his/her seat, socializing with other students, throwing away trash, sharpening his/her pencil, and so on.

Scenario 5.3: A student says, “Teacher, he’s bothering me!”

Scenario 5.4: A student is being the class entertainer.

Scenario 5.5: A student is always raising his/her hand, wanting to answer every question or is constantly asking questions.

Scenario 5.6: A student is always talking in class.