What do you say when your students do not show respect for themselves, their classmates and/or you? This chapter provides teacher-friendly charts with Great Teacher Language (GTL) Reminders to Self, GTL to Share with Students, GTL to Use When Talking and Communicating with Parents, and GTL Classroom Activities specifically related to the following:

Scenario 7.1: A student is calling other students names and/or making fun of other students.

Scenario 7.2: A student is making inappropriate gestures at other students and/or the teacher.

Scenario 7.3: A student is verbally disrespectful to the teacher.

Scenario 7.4: A student is interrupting another student and/or the teacher.

Scenario 7.5: A student is taking things that do not belong to him/her.

Scenario 7.6: A student is demonstrating a lack of self-respect.