What do you say when a student refuses to cooperate or challenges you (e.g., questions your decisions, questions your authority, refuses to do work, confronts you in front of the class, or demonstrates blatant disrespect). This chapter provides teacher-friendly charts with Great Teacher Language (GTL) Reminders to Self, GTL to Share with Students, GTL to Use When Talking and Communicating with Parents, and GTL Classroom Activities specifically related to the following:

Scenario 8.1: A student consistently asks questions that challenge you and/or the lesson you are teaching.

Scenario 8.2: A student says, “I don’t agree with you” or “I don’t believe you” or “You are wrong!”

Scenario 8.3: A student refuses to cooperate with you and says, “You’re not my mom. You can’t tell me what to do! You can’t make me do this work!”

Scenario 8.4: A student is outwardly angry and blatantly disrespectful toward you.