In shattering moral norms and discrediting morality as a concept, Trump has cultivated a new normal among many Americans. In the new normal, children learn that lying, cheating, and bullying are no longer viewed as immoral but as behaviors that one should be proud of if they “get things done.” A review of public opinion polls shows that Trump supporters first denied that he was dishonest but later accepted, and many admired, his character. Reasons for excusing his behavior are discussed, including increasing support of authoritarianism. The chapter questions if moral, amoral, or immoral best describes the new normal that exists in many areas of the country and particularly in those areas of Trump's political base. It is shown that if the Ten Commandments is a litmus test for morality, as believed by many of his evangelical supporters, then Trump fails miserably. Thus, one might argue that immoral best describes the new normal. It is concluded, however, that amoral might be more fitting. What Trump and his supporters are teaching today's youth is discussed, with emphases on three factors which are emphasized throughout the book: (1) moral reasoning, (2) moral emotions, and (2) mechanisms of moral disengagement.