Perhaps above all other character traits, Trump is an exemplary role model of narcissism. Not only is Trump's personality best described as narcissistic, but one might also well argue that he meets the diagnostic criteria for a narcissistic personality disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM). As seen in this chapter, Trump likely meets all nine behavioral criteria for that diagnosis. However, it is debatable if he meets an additional criterion: which is that a disorder is “usually associated with significant distress or disability in social, occupational, or other important activities.” The chapter also examines if Trump meets diagnostic criteria for antisocial personality disorder, as claimed by others. It is argued that he likely meets three of the seven behavioral criteria, which is the minimum number needed, but falls short in meeting several additional criteria required for that diagnosis. It is concluded that although he might not meet the necessary criteria for a mental disorder, he is a classic narcissist, and is crazy–crazy as a fox.