Separation from the objects of desire and the mother is the beginning of frustration and socialization into a human group. The separation from the breast and the mother marks the beginning of symbolization as a continued step in the temperance of dominance relations that begun with the primal horde.

The early form of the signifier originally represented the death or killing of an animal, an enemy, or the leader of the group. The totem represents the taboo placed upon the community for the deed and the taboo or prohibition placed upon the leaders not to be like the primal father. The totem itself is the mark of the unmarked and the background upon which the mark is written. The totem represents the ritual killing of a totem animal that came to replace human sacrifice in the form of the killing of the enemy, the father, or the leader. In fact, the totem itself is a mark of the unmarked killing of the father and subsequently used to mark the killings of the totem animal cause sometimes the ordinary citizen just wants to “eat” their heroes and leaders”.