This chapter outlines the construction of the object of study. While the subsequent chapters will attempt to provide answers to the question of what influence neoliberal policies are having on the expansion of the penal system—the focus here is on placing this question in context, justifying its relevance, and pointing to the methodological strategies considered relevant. It starts by tracing the work of a number of studies that, in one way or another, point to the promising fruitfulness of studying the relationship between neoliberalism and the expansion of the penal system. Correlations of aggregate quantitative data at the state level are reviewed and taken here as a starting point from which to begin investigating. To endow these data with meaning, the theoretical framework elaborated by Loïc Wacquant will be reviewed. A few clarifications will be made regarding what is understood by neoliberalism and how to delve deeper into causal mechanisms that may enable moving beyond correlations. Finally, the question of studying Spain as a specific case is introduced in terms of both its advantages and disadvantages.