Try It! More Math Problems for All is the third of the series featuring off-beat problems ranging from easy to challenging. The main idea behind these problems is to give students a break from the steady routine of drill and practice found in standard math lessons. But what is more important: these problems are able to engage students of all backgrounds and ages while giving them a chance to THINK differently – whether alone or with others.

This series began with gifted and talented students. But after many in-class experiences with students who have a considerable range of achievement levels, the author and other teachers realized that the so-called bottom third of math achievers were not only actively participating, but they came up with unusual insights leading to solutions. So, we concluded that this series would appeal to all students. In this current series, we target students from grades 5 to 12. Keep in mind: this collection does not require specific grade level achievement, just a bit of courage to jump in and take a crack.