In today’s complex world of capitalism, where businesses often find themselves at the crossroads of innovation and exploitation, the importance of transparency in corporate practices cannot be overstated. Recognizing this, this chapter delves into the world of sustainability storytelling and marketing, examining various industries. It explores the phenomenon of greenwashing, wherein companies claim sustainability or exaggerate their progress while perpetuating harmful practices. The chapter analyzes historical instances of corporate greenwashing and examines consequent impacts. It looks at the role of customer and public pressure in driving positive change. The chapter also discusses the confusion surrounding eco-friendly labels and the need for clearer and more accessible information. Further, it explores the delicate balance between publishing necessary information and safeguarding proprietary trade secrets, advocating for active transparency. It highlights the importance of examining a company’s entire supply chain in the pursuit of true environmental responsibility. Additionally, the chapter introduces the Sustainable Marketing Compass, a novel framework that reimagines marketing as a force for good, addressing commercial, environmental, and societal objectives simultaneously. The framework’s authors share their journey from traditional marketing to sustainability-driven marketing, highlighting the transformative potential of this approach to foster a paradigm shift.