This chapter highlights several therapeutic strategies that may be integrated with the BFT approach, and outlines the manner in which they are applied within the structured problem-solving method. As well as the specific strategies employed to resolve general medical problems, several drug strategies have been shown to have long-term benefits in reducing the impairments associated with major mental disorders. These include the neuroleptic drugs for schizophrenic and manic episodes, tricyclic drugs for major anxiety and depressive disorders, and lithium preparations for mood swings. Behavioural family therapy has been combined with optimal neuroleptic drug therapy to reduce the clinical symptoms, social disability, and family stress associated with chronic schizophrenic disorders. Schizophrenia is a complex syndrome associated with a wide variety of clinical symptoms and functional handicaps. Additional specific strategies for enhancing intimate relationships may be incorporated within the problem-solving framework. Highly effective strategies have been devised to deal with several specific forms of sexual dysfunction.