This chapter views CDS 3.0 from the perspective of a key group of stakeholders – service providers which facilitate the sharing of customer data. Section 4.1 addresses the challenge of designing a balanced accreditation framework for recipients of customer data which allows sufficient participation without compromising on security. Section 4.2 explores whether and how unaccredited persons may be granted access to customer data in a CDS 3.0 ecosystem, while Section 4.3 investigates why service providers might choose to rely on alternative data sharing practices (such as screen-scraping) despite the perceived benefits of third-generation CDS. On the basis of Australia's Consumer Data Right framework, Section 4.4 evaluates the practice of protecting the interests of service providers through regulatory ‘safe harbours’ (which grant immunity to legal proceedings if certain formal criteria are satisfied). Lastly, Section 4.5 explores the incentives for data holders to maintain the quality and usability of customer data shared with potential competitors through the CDS 3.0 ecosystem.