The competition which Brossard mentioned was that held in the spring of 1683 for the appointment of four new sous-maitres for the Chapelle Royale following the enforced retirement of Henri Du Mont and Pierre Robert. The competition which Gantez mentions was probably the one held at Le Mans, which Pechon is known to have entered and won. Bourdin had become maitre des enfants only after a period of service as a choriste. The performance practice information outlined by Anjubault, concerning the use of multiple choirs, alternatim practice and the use of instruments, is summarized in Denise Launay, La musique religieuse en France du Concile de Trent a 1804. The main body of the liturgical repertory of Saint-Germain itself was probably preserved in a large choirbook which would have stood on a lectern or ‘aigle’ in the choir.