The social worlds that interveners represent are themselves constantly in a state of flux, constantly splitting off and reshaping. This is reflected in the continual transformation occurring within the arena under examination. “Alcoholism,” “alcohol abuse,” “problems with alcohol”—these are very different problems to a lot of different people, who can still form marriages of convenience. Coalitions are impermanent, and there is a great deal of sliding that goes on between various interests. People have come into the arena as volunteers, and ended up with careers. Others have come in for a summer job, and ended up with a commitment. The social worlds that interveners represent are themselves constantly in a state of flux, constantly splitting off and reshaping. This is reflected in the continual transformation occurring within the arena under examination. “Alcoholism,” “alcohol abuse,” “problems with alcohol”—these are very different problems to a lot of different people, who can still form marriages of convenience.