Description of Tory, of the kingdom of Ardres in general, and of the coast from La Praye to Little Ardres. How one recognizes it from the sea. How to anchor there. The town (Ville) of Jakin and the market-town (bourg) of Offra. Great Ardres, the residence of the king. His palaces. Other towns and market-towns of the kingdom of Ardres. The general climate of the land. Its products. The great lords of Ardres. Their houses in general, and their diet. Their settlements, public markets, and trading places. Royal and other dues. The European goods suitable for this trade. Rules to follow in carrying out this trade. The Europeans established there and their differences. The late King Alkemy and his policy. The reply he gave to a Dutch commercial agent. The present king, and everything concerning his person and character. How to travel in his states. The audiences he gives, and what happens at these events. The Great Marabou at Ardres. The general character of the people of Ardres and their way of making war. The slaves they gain in these wars. Their civil and criminal justice. Their religion and their marabous or priests.