In 1998, their technology turned down by the major portals of the day, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, with one employee, launched Google, Inc. in a garage in Menlo Park, California. A new and different idea, product, process, service, method, or measure is in and of itself an innovation, but it could be the beginning of an innovation. Innovations begin with an idea, an invention, a discovery, a concept. Today, with a need for new and different energy sources, with the need to deal with the threat of climate change, with the ballooning needs of expanding populations, and with the need to ameliorate changes in the biosphere we live in, there are more ideas, inventions, discoveries, concepts. Brainstorming is a way to apply the creative thinking of a group to finding a new/different/better way to resolve a problem or develop an opportunity. Brainstorming works best with small groups who are involved in or related to the problem or opportunity.