Rejuvenation and Vajikarana are two branches of Ayurveda, which claimed serious attention from Caraka, Susruta, and Vagbhata. It is interesting that Ayurvedic texts make exaggerated claims on the effects of Rasayana and Vajikarana. It is common to read about significant improvement in physical activity, freedom from ailments, enhancement in cognitive and sensory functions, and sexual vigour following the proper use of rasayanas. Vajikarana is a branch of Ayurveda, which deals with measures to enhance sexual potency and fecundity. Medicaments are of two kinds; those which augment the strength and resistance of the healthy, and others which counter diseases. In the category of medicaments or drugs which promote strength, there are two groups; those which enhance the strength, resistance to disease, and sense of well-being, and others which promote sexual potency and fecundity. The conclusion was obvious because vrsya drugs held the key for enhancing both sexual potency and fecundity.