The philosophical systems of India except lokayata tend to agree that so long as mind follows the constant and endless chase of objects by our senses, tranquility would elude an individual. Practice of medicine dates back to the mists of antiquity. There are three main types of designated dosa prakrtis in Ayurveda – vata, pitta, and kapha, which determine the events taking place in the body and its responses to external stimuli. Ayurveda attached importance to chance because the unexpected course of diseases, unexpected recoveries despite grave prognosis, unexpected deaths of patients despite excellent treatment, and other clinical events made a profound impression on physicians. The paternal and maternal origins of the development of hard and soft tissues in the body are well known and recognized in Ayurveda. The developing foetus is more than hard and soft tissues, because it also comprises consciousness or soul, which is not visible to the naked eye.