This chapter aims to analyze the curricula of Shariah colleges in Morocco. It will first introduce the curricula of Shariah colleges and Islamic Studies departments and focus on the presence or absence of social sciences elements in these curricula. It will then discuss the knowledge production and some of the master’s and doctoral dissertations produced in Shariah departments related to political or social issues. Finally, It will clarify Morocco’s success in a model formation of Islamic studies and Shariah scholars through the institution of the Dar al-Hadith al-Hasaniyya. University education in Shariah studies and in Islamic studies in Morocco represent two important models that are generally open to the fiqh of reality and moderation. As such, they differ greatly from many Arab universities, understudied in this book. When it comes to Islamic studies in Morocco, its openness as an academic field to the social sciences and humanities did not prevent the presence of an identity crisis in this field. The problem between these departments of Islamic Studies and that of the social sciences is more political than epistemological.