Chapter 2 of the book delves into the reasons why talking about sex with children can be an awkward and uncomfortable experience for many parents and caregivers. The chapter provides practical strategies to help overcome this discomfort and have productive conversations with children about sexuality.

The chapter begins by encouraging readers to examine their own attitudes towards sex and the messages they may have received about sex and sexuality from their upbringing or culture. It then goes on to discuss triggers that may cause discomfort or anxiety when discussing sex with children, such as personal experiences or cultural taboos.

To overcome these triggers, the chapter provides practical tips, such as planning for potential triggers, practising a rehearsal of the conversation beforehand and identifying personal values that can guide the conversation. The chapter also emphasises the importance of acknowledging any discomfort and practising self-compassion and self-care.

Overall, the chapter aims to help parents and caregivers become more comfortable and confident in discussing sex with their children. By providing practical strategies and tools for overcoming discomfort and triggers, the chapter helps readers create a safe and supportive environment for their children to learn about sexuality and develop healthy attitudes towards sex and relationships.