Chapter 4 delves into the concept of attachment styles and their profound impact on adult romantic and sexual relationships. The chapter explores the definition of attachment styles, how they are formed in childhood and the ways in which they shape individuals’ interactions and emotional connections in adulthood.

By understanding the different attachment styles—such as secure, anxious, avoidant and disorganised—parents gain valuable insights into their own parenting practices and their potential influence on their children’s attachment styles. The chapter offers guidance on fostering a secure attachment in children, which is crucial for the development of healthy relationships later in life.

Through practical strategies and evidence-based research, this chapter equips parents with the knowledge to cultivate a secure attachment with their children. It emphasises the importance of responsive caregiving, consistent emotional support and creating a safe and nurturing environment. By meeting their children’s emotional needs, parents can help foster a strong foundation of trust and security, enhancing their children’s ability to form healthy and fulfilling romantic and sexual relationships as adults.