The Predators, which includes the sadists, stand out as a group of perpetrators because they derive pleasure from using (sexual) violence and exercising control over others. To them it is a goal rather than a means. They are genetically predisposed to the use of violence because of brain impairments, the MAOA or so-called warrior gene or other genetic factors. Not by themselves but in combination with a problematic youth in which they suffered from child abuse or negligence can lead to anti-social and extremely violent behaviour. Several biological theories, like the one by Gilligan who argues that violence is a response to shame and humiliation, can help understand why they are predisposed to violence. They often (but not always) are accused of domestic abuse and sexual violence, and they generally show an utter disregard and contempt for women. The excessive (sexual) violence during the Rape of Nanking is discussed as a case study. Some Predators are not involved in sexual violence but show brutal and sadistic behaviour from which they seem to derive pleasure, like Klaus Barbie, the Butcher of Lyon; Goran Jelisic, a sadistic camp guard and several foreign fighter and terrorists, like Merah (Toulouse), Nemmouche (Jewish Museum in Brussels) and Jihadi John, the man who killed James Foley.