The Criminal Masterminds are the leaders, the ones at the top of the chain of command, the ones pulling the strings. They create the context in which the other perpetrators operate and commit their crimes. They are usually the extremely powerful heads of state of violent, repressive or even genocidal regimes who lead their followers, design the violent and genocidal policies and instruct their subordinates to implement these policies and commit the crimes. Sometimes, they do so by using explicit orders, sometimes by implying what needs to be done. Typical examples of Criminal Masterminds are dictators like Adolf Hitler (Nazi Germany), Joseph Stalin (former Soviet Union), Mao Zedong (China), Pol Pot (Cambodia), Idi Amin (Uganda), Saddam Hussein (Iraq) and Vladimir Putin (Russia). This chapter discusses what kind of people Criminal Masterminds are; what the differences and similarities between them are; what features and characteristics stand out; whether or not they suffer from mental deficiencies; whether they are narcissists, psychopaths or Machiavellian or even show features of all three which then is called the Dark Triad. Attention is also given to their personal backgrounds and what made them to become who they are.