The struggle for sustainability within the bowels of the corporate or enterprise university is an essential component of the much larger struggle for creating an alternative world system based upon social justice, democratic processes, environmental sustainability, and a safe climate. Despite the daunting difficulties that much of humanity currently faces and will continue to face over the course of the twenty-first century, it is essential that progressive people, including ones embedded in universities, keep plugging away at challenging global capitalism in their conversations, teachings, and writings while staying involved in fully anti-systemic movements or even partially anti-systemic movements, such as the National Tertiary Education Union and the Fossil Free University campaigns, pointing out alternative ways of organizing the world along eco-socialist principles and listening to critical input from other progressive perspectives, including eco-anarchism, eco-feminism, and indigenous voices, to mention only a few. Hopefully, as humanity finds itself in an increasingly critical situation, counter-hegemonic voices, including ones within universities, will receive a greater reception than they do now and will inspire ordinary people to become more politically involved in creating a much-needed new world.