Chapter 2 provides a comprehensive overview of the research methodology used in this study. The first part meticulously defines the purpose and the problematic of the study, outlines the ethical standards, explains the research process, formulates the research questions, and defines the chosen data analysis methodology. In the second part of this chapter, all findings are subjected to a rigorous theoretical examination through the prisms of gender, identity, discourse, and ideology, as explained in the theoretical framework. The collected data is systematically categorised and scrutinised under three main classifications, facilitating a structured and in-depth exploration of the issue. First, the underlying causes of child marriage are articulated based on the life stories and narratives of women who were married at a child age. This comprehensive inquiry enriches our understanding of this complex phenomenon by providing an intimate look into the factors that contribute to child marriage. Subsequently, the experiences of women who have endured child marriages are meticulously examined, and their introspective reflections on themselves and life are subjected to a comprehensive analysis. This research sheds light on women’s self-perceptions and provides invaluable insights into how experience of child marriage shapes their sense of identity and individuality. In the ensuing section, the attitudes and perspectives of women towards child marriage are dissected, revealing latent dimensions of the issue and bringing to light the underlying causes.