Chapter 6 overviews AI and its historical development. AI is a multidisciplinary field influenced by philosophy, mathematics, economics, neuroscience, psychology, cybernetics, cognitive science, and linguistics. The chapter explores the basis for understanding why AI is becoming popular: the rise and the resurgence of AI; the Chinese Room; a classification of AI into four types proposed by Arend Hintze: reactive machines, limited memory, theory of mind, and self-awareness. It explains the advantages and disadvantages of using AI in learning, such as personalized learning and feedback, but also concerns like dependence on technology, lack of human interaction, and the risk of bias. Ultimately, it mentions examples of AI applications in word and image recognition, machine translation, autonomous driving, and data analysis. The case study of OpenAI's ChatGPT is also presented, highlighting its widespread use and the company's mission to ensure AI benefits all of humanity.